Year 6 2024 - 2025
Mrs Helm
Miss Newey
Mrs James
A warm welcome to Year 6 to all our our children and parents/carers.
This year the class will be taught full-time by Mrs Helm. We are very lucky to have Miss Newey will be supporting the children as their classroom assistant. I am also delighted to welcome Mrs James into the Year 6 team in a different role as this year she is completing her teacher training with her main base being in Year 6. If you ever need us check on here, Weduc, Facebook and Twitter for class updates but you're also very welcome to come and see us if you have any concerns- after school is the best time to catch us.
Year 6 is such an important year: we need to focus on preparing them for high school as well as having to take their SATs exams taking place in May 2025. But with your help and the children's hard work , we know that they will all have a very successful end to their primary school journey with us at Lache.
Remember to check out our weekly class news on Facebook and Weduc published every Monday, to find out what we will be learning about each week in school!
Example of our weekly newsletter:
Important Information:
The cost of snack remains the same at £1 per week. This gets your child toast or fruit everyday of the week at break time. If your child prefers to bring snack from home, this has to be a healthy option such as fruit, bread sticks, etc. Please try wherever possible to pay on Monday so that the kitchen knows how much snack to prepare.
-Homework in Year 6 will be given out on a Friday and due in the following Thursday.
-We encourage the children, even if they haven’t completed it for whatever reason ,to bring their books back the next week so that they have somewhere to put their new homework pieces.
-Each week, the children will receive grammar and maths homework: this will never be new learning and will always be a consolidation of something that I've already taught in class, allowing them to practise the skill independently.
- In Year 6, one of our main aims is preparing the children to transition to high school. Therefore, please encourage your children to complete all pieces each week as the homework demands in high school can be a huge step up from primary school.
-We are always here to help if the children need it and encourage them to come and see us before the hand in date so we can support them. Therefore, they will still have time to complete it.
Year 6 will have P.E. on a Tuesday afternoon delivered by Mrs Anstey.
This year, children will come to school wearing their PE kits so that getting changed doesn't eat into our learning time.
Your child's PE kit should include: -
- Blue T-shirt (Can be purchased form the school office)
- Black shorts or plain black/dark jogging bottoms in winter
- Trainers (for outside PE)
- Black pumps (for indoor PE)
- School jumper or Cardigan in the colder months
Children are still expected to be reading a minimum of 4 times a week so that they can achieve their reading certificates. This needs to be logged in their Reading Record which then needs to be brought into school to be checked.
Children will continue to receive dojos this year. They will receive positive and negative dojos. Your child will receive positive dojo's for good behaviour, wearing correct uniform and being on time amongst many other things! However, your child may also receive negative dojo's for poor behaviour, being late and incorrect uniform. Each day their dojo's will be banked. Once they reach 100 in their bank they will be able to choose a prize!
If your child has 90% or over positive dojo's, they will have earnt themselves enrichment tim. However, if your child has 90% or negative dojo's they will go to reflection time with Mrs Seager and Mrs Scott-Scarth. Reflection time is a quiet , thinking time where they can discuss with an adult where they recived neagtive dojo's that week and how they are going to improve the following week.
Our Curriculum:
This term, we will be studying ,'A Star of Hope, Star of Hope' by Jo Hoeslandt which usually proves to be a big hit with the children as it links to our History study of World War 2. We will weave in lots of grammar elements as well as creating some fantatsic writing pieces. After half term, we will look the class text 'Shackleton's Journey' by William Grill. This is a great text whihc follows the true life stroy of Ernest Shackleton's race across the Antarctic. We use these books as a stimuli to base our writing around weaving in the Year 6 writing skills that need to be taught and developed. In preparation for our SATs exams, the children will also be having discreet grammar sessions.
As a school this year, we are all continuing to follow 'Power Maths' which is a fantastic resource that the children seem to love! Our Maths topics this term will place value, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, fractions and imperial/metric meansures. This year, as well as our daily 'Maths Masters' sessions, we will also be having discreet arithmetic sessions to consolidate the children's formal methods for calculations. Within all these areas , we will also be developing reasoning and problem solving skills.
As always, we aim to make science as interactive as possible by completing a range of practical investigations. In Autumn 1, we will studying the topic of light. Moving on to, Living things and their habitats in Autumn 2.
We will be studying the topic of World War 2. This tends to be a topic which the children find really interesting. Therefore, it's a great one to begin the year with.
In art our unit is called '2D Drawing and Making'. We will be looking at how drawing and making have a close relationship; that drawing can be used to transform a two dimensional surface, which can be manipulated to make a three dimensional object; when we transform two dimensional surfaces we can use line, mark making, value, shape, colour, pattern and composition to help us create our artwork.
We are really excited to be having a go at a brand new project which is making fairground rides with gears and pulleys. I can't wait to see how these turn out.
We are delighted to have the talented Mrs Hughes delivering our music sessions in both Autumn 1 and Autumn 2. We will be singing in harmony, playing and composing music as well as learning the proper musical terminology to support our learning.
In computing , we will begin with learning about Computing systems and networks—communication and collaboration. Followed by web page design in Autumn 2.
We always really enjoy our jigsaw sessions. The children engage in thoughful conversations looking at themselves, their peers and world issues. Our first topic is Being Me in my World followed by Celebrating Differences
School Uniform
Children should wear their full school uniform daily unless stated otherwise. School Uniform should include: -
- School Jumper or Cardigan
- White Shirt or white polo shirt
- Tie (colour based on which house your child is in)
- Black/Grey Trousers or skirt (Not jogging bottoms)
- Blue gingham School Dress
- Black Shoes with a black sole
Please note children should not come into school wearing trainers.
Our School Golden Rules
- Be respectful
- Be ready
- Be safe
Check out some of the links below to help with your learning in Year 6.