Admissions and Funding
In Little Explorers Nursery we want to give our children the best start to their school careers. Thats why the children who are going on to our Primary school revieve 30 hours of childcare completely free, regardless of your working status. If you are in reciept of a 30 hour code, this will still need to be put on your funding form.
We also take children the term after they turn three. This means they might be able to start with us before their official 'Nursery year'. If this is the case they will recieve their alloted 15 hours each morning. Additional hours can be paid for directly to us in cash (£5 per afternoon). I you recieve a 30 hour code for working 16 hours or more (every parent in household) then you will get the 30 hours for free.
Below is the link to apply for a 30 hour code:
Please visit this website too as it offers advice and support for paying childcare costs