01244 470380





Overview of History at Lache Primary School

As Historians at Lache Primary School, we focus on making sure the children are equipped to ask perseptive questions, think critically, weigh evidence, sift arguments and develop perspective-based judgements. We want to ensure that children have a thirst for knowledge including our lives and societies in the past. We want them to develop historical skills that are transferrable- e.g. chronology and changes over time- to whichever era they are studying.

Intent, Implementation and Impact

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Our History Overview

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Pupil Voice

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SEND & History

We need to be ambitious with what our children with SEND can achieve and not believe their ability is fixed for every subject. We take into consideration barriers to learning and do not let these limit their opportunities. All children have the opportunities to engage with quality History lessons. We intend to inspire all of our children with a range of opportunities and experiences which we will adapt to their needs. We provide all learners with opportunities to learn in small steps and carefully build upon their prior
knowledge. This is done through a range of approaches including:
 -creating a language rich environment which is vital to closing the gap between learners with SEND and their peers and enabling future
-demonstrating what we want learners to do and show them what we mean.
-using physical resources to help abstract concepts become more accessible and meaningful.
-reducing Cognitive Load and activate children’s prior knowledge.



Lache Primary School

Hawthorn RoadLache, Chester CH4 8HX

Mrs Sheena Coghill | Main Contact

01244 470380


From September 2023 school will be open from 8.50am-3.20pm