Overview of Science at Lache Primary School
In Science we follow a broad and balanced curriculum. Scientific knowledge and skills are taught and developed through a wide range of activities and practical hands-on experiences to enhance children's understanding and broaden their knowledge.
Intent, Implementation and Impact
Examples of work and pupil voice:
Year 2 - Investigating which paper type is the most absorbant
British Science Week 2022 - The theme for our British Science Week this year was 'Growth'.
Science pupil voice:
SEND and Science:
We believe that the curriculum should not be narrowed for pupils with SEND. We believe that targeted teaching is much more beneficial for children with SEND, therefore we aim to break down the scientific knowledge into key components and organise the learning in a sequence which will help all learners succeed in their Science learning.
If you would like more information about how we support children who have SEND with their Science work then please see our SEND section of the website.