Scooby Doo

Scooby-Doo The Cockapoo!
A message from Scooby Doo:
Hello my new Lache family. My name is Scooby Doo and I live with Mrs Seager but I am going to work at Lache Primary School with all of you. Mrs Seager has told me so much about you. She says that all of you are gorgeous, full of beans and fun! I am gorgeous, full of beans and fun too. I can't wait to make friends with you all. Mrs Seager says that you can come and visit me in her office and you will read stories to me. If I am really good I can go around school with a grown up and come and see you in your classrooms. Playtimes sound really exciting so Bob has said that he will take me for a walk around the playgrounds then.
Before I can come in and be at school properly I need to make sure that I listen to the grown up I am with and that I am gentle with you and don't jump up. I am trying really hard at the moment to make sure that I can do those things. Will you help me to make sure that I don't get too excited? Don't chase me, move too suddenly around me, or feed me. I love to be stroked and talked to. Please don't think you are boring me if I fall asleep but I get tired easily !
Keep an eye on this page to see all the good work I do at Lache Primary...

Taking the Class in Tear 4/5A

I love hearing children read to me

Sometimes I might fall asleep!

Helping out in Reception!

Check out some of the videos below!