01244 470380




The responsibilities of school governors

What do school governors do?

Governors are people who have an interest in the role of schools in society and wish to make a positive contribution to their communities. They will contribute to the effective day-to-day running of the school and the educational achievements of its pupils.

Key roles

The main task for governing bodies is to promote high standards of educational achievement and to ensure the school is operating effectively. There are three key roles and responsibilities that governors fulfil, in order to achieve that goal are:

  • To be involoved in strategic planning – identifying where the school needs to improve and agreeing priorities for improvement.
  • To challenge the school to do better and support it in those efforts.
  • To hold the headteacher to account for school performance and to provide an account to parents and the wider community.
  • If you would like to get in touch with the Governors please email: Chair@lache.cheshire.sch.uk

Local Authority & FGB Chair: Mrs Sue Yarnhall 

Head Teacher: Mrs Kate Seager

Teacher: Katy Southworth

Co-opted: Neil Holmes

Parent: Rachel Jones

Co-opted: Diane Clark

Co-opted: Karyn Peacocke

Co-opted: Mrs Janet Sproston

Parent: Jeff Lambert

Co-opted: Ian Mckay

Co-opted - Louisa Foden 

Clerk to Governors: Mrs Jacqui Critchley

The Board of Governors operates two committees: Resources Committee and Teaching and Learning Committee.

Resources Committee  -  Terms of Reference


Category of Governor

End date of Office

Designated Role

Sue Yarnall


Co-opted and LA  Governor

18th October 2025

Chair / SEND / SEMH&RP /HTMP/ EYFS /  Gov Trian /Geography & Music Cover


Thomas Mattison

Co-opted Governor

27th November 2026

Health & Safety/ Pupil Premium / Maths & Pay Panel.

Ian Mckay

Co-opted Governor

11th March 2028

 History / Maths & Pay Panel

Karyn Peacocke

Co-opted Governor

4th July 2025

GDPR/ English Reading & Writing; Design & Technology & Pay Panel

Kate Seager




Teaching and Learning Committee - Terms of Reference


Category of Governor

End date of Office

Designated Role


Diane Clark 


Co-opted Governor

4th June 2025

Safeguarding; Science; Computing Filtering & Monitoring & Pay Panel

Louisa Foden

Co-opted Governor

11th March 2028

Health & Safety / GDPR/ Wellbeing / Pay Panel / Attendance /HT PM & ART

Karen Peacocke

Co-opted Governor

4th July 2025

 Maths/ History & Pay Panel

Jeff Lambert

Parent Governor

2nd May 2022

British Values/ English (reading & Writing) / RE / SMSC /’ PSHE 

Jan Sproston

Co-opted Governor (staff)

3rd September 2026

EYFS Department Lead

Rachel Jones

Parent Governor

27th November 2026

         R.E & Spanish


Kate Seager




Katy Southworth




9th Februaruy 2026



Year 1 Teacher & Reading Lead




Lache Primary School

Hawthorn RoadLache, Chester CH4 8HX

Mrs Sheena Coghill | Main Contact

01244 470380


From September 2023 school will be open from 8.50am-3.20pm